Hello , my name is

Sai Rushik

I'am a Design lover

About Me

Developer & Designer

I am a CSE student . i am intrested in front end developer , and providing a clean code in perfect Design . I also give many online competition programming , i also make the websites more & more interactive with web animationsand providing a clean code in perfect Design . I also give many online competition programming , i also make the websites more & more interactive with web animations



    I am studying in IIITDM KANCHEEPURAM , chennai , Tamil Nadu.I'm an cse student , currently I'm in 4th semister


    I studied in FIITJEE, vijayawada , Andhra Pradesh.I'm an MPC student , I'm a maths lover , love finding solujtions to problems

  • HIGH school

    I studied at kkr , vijayawada ,Andhra Pradesh.passed out with a good percentage


    All my schooling is done in my home town , palvancha , Andhra Pradesh

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos, ratione error est recusandae consequatur, iusto illum deleniti quidem impedit, quos quaerat quis minima sequi. Cupiditate recusandae laudantium esse, harum animi aspernatur quisquam et delectus ipsum quam alias quaerat? Quasi hic quidem illum. Ad delectus natus aut hic explicabo minus quod.

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HTML 90%
CSS 60%
c++ 80%
c 80%
MySQL 70%

My teams

contact me to get u a clean and neat front-end website using html,css and javascript , any work based on MySQL